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Sold 10 items

270 THB ฿270

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Sold 4 items

120 THB ฿120

(Options available)



Sold 15 items

120 THB ฿120

(Options available)



Uta : Japanese breeding, long spike with very close internode. Very mind smell with colorful flowers. 45-50% of single flower will appeare in the genetic. Cheerful : 90% of the plants produce double flowers without seedling selection for a more cost effective crop. Stock requires cool temperatures for optimum flowering and quality but Cheerful is an early flowering series that requires less cooling to initiate flowering.

Sold 3 items

69 THB ฿69

(Options available)



Katz แคทซ์ มีสีมากถึง 12 สี ออกดอกเร็ว ก้านหนายาว ระยะออกดอกใกล้เคียงกัน ทำให้วางแผนการผลิตง่าย ช่อดอกยาวและแน่น ทนสภาพอากาศร้อนได้พอสมควร มีความสม่ำเสมอในเรื่องของความสูงและทรงพุ่ม Katz Hi Double แคทซ์ ไฮ ดับเบิ้ล การันตีได้ดอกซ้อนที่ 90% มีจำหน่ายเพียงสีเดียวคือสีขาว ออกดอกเร็ว ทนสภาพอากาศร้อนได้พอสมควร มีความสม่ำเสมอในเรื่องของความสูงและทรงพุ่ม ( มีสีเดียว STO351 Hi Double White )

Sold 2 items

55 THB ฿55

(Options available)



Qis : Vivid colour range, also as a cut flower for greenhouse and outdoor production. Suited to fresh and dried use. Versatile series works well for landscape and garden use.

Sold 24 items

65 THB ฿65

(Options available)



Audray : The Audray series is the definition of versatile. It can be used for both fresh and dried arrangements and performs magnificently in the garden withstanding hot and humid conditions.

Sold 4 items

70 THB ฿70

(Options available)



Sweet : Dianthus barbatus Sweet series can be grown year round, no vernalization needed. Produce large and long-lasting blooms on strong straight stems. Very uniform for height and flowering time.

Sold 1 items

250 THB ฿250

(Options available)



Celway : Central spiky plume is surrounded by several smaller spikes for a well-filled look. Very strong stems with small top leaves. Celway can be a great choice of a filler to the bouquet or a main focus to all kind of flower arrangment.

Sold 1 items

330 THB ฿330

(Options available)



Spring : Full, triangular combs are pale green with lime green edges. Eye-catching variety for mixed bouquets with excellent vase life. Uniform plant habit with strong, round stems for easy harvesting and good ship-ability.

Sold 1 items

450 THB ฿450




Sylphid Lime : Lime green feather Celosia is excellent as a green bouquet filler as well as for all kinds of arrangements. Sylphid responds very well to light and temperature. In the greenhouse with lighting and heating, winter production is possible.

Sold 14 items

250 THB ฿250




Double Profusion : Double Profusion, double flower. The Double Yellow is covered with large, bright yellow flowers. Deep Salmon and Hot Cherry win AAS award. Heat and drought resistance makes for excellent landscape performance. Absolutely covered with an abundance of big, full blooms.

Sold 13 items

200 THB ฿200

(Options available)



Profusion : Profusion is single flower. Outstanding performer in pot plant production and in the garden. Heat and drought resistant, Profusion is an excellent choice for the landscape as well. Compact habit and flower quality combined with vigor and exceptional disease resistance contribute to Profusion's excellent performance and habit in all climates. Orange, White and Cherry are All America Selections Gold Medal Winners; Cherry is also a Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner.

Sold 1 items

190 THB ฿190

(Options available)



Star : Single, star-shaped flowers across on plants with vigorous enough to fill a bed, basket or mixed container quickly. Tolerates heat, humidity and drought.

Sold 30 items

35 THB ฿35
Out of stock

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Dreamland : Dreamland is an early, dwarf and large dahlia-flowered type providing a great color show. Less instance of Xanthomonas and Alternaria disease problems with Dreamland than other varieties under warm weather conditions. They is outstanding in beds, borders and containers.

Sold 2 items

310 THB ฿310

(Options available)



Bel Viso : The new series selected for precision performance and uniformity across the colors. Bel Viso has large showy blooms on a compact and tidy branching habit. Bel Viso is perfectly grown in pot and garden. The gardener and landscaper can be fun to mix and match the colors as it available in a vibrant range of colors.

Sold 0 items

120 THB ฿120
Out of stock

(Options available)



Solar Avalanche : The compact and well branched habit and large flowers with wide, overlapping petals make Vinca F1 Solar Avalanche the perfect choice for production in packs and pots. Its trailing habit as it matures makes it ideal for use in hanging baskets and mixed containers as the trailing component, and for use in gardens as a ground cover including large commercial landscape beds.

Sold 1 items

290 THB ฿290

(Options available)



Cora Cascade : F1 Trailing vinca, proven Phytophthora tolerance crossed into vigorous trailing plants with huge flowers. Ideal for hanging baskets and balcony planting.

Sold 11 items

400 THB ฿400

(Options available)



SunJewels : Vinca SunJewels is a compact early flowering, uniform, very well branching Vinca for high density production in packs and small pots.

Sold 61 items

59 THB ฿59

(Options available)



Valiant : The Valiant series is more vigorous than the competition AND it comes with disease resistance (IR*) to aerial Phytophthora under field conditions – a “Win-Win” for landscape programs. Makes well-branched, market-ready plants with large flowers that show off high-impact colour at point of sale and in the landscape. Superior hybrid vigour allows Valiant vinca landscapes to better survive environmental stresses such as sun, heat, drought, salt and cool/damp conditions. Low maintenance with good landscape longevity.

Sold 2 items

265 THB ฿265
Out of stock

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Titan : Robust plants have superior branching with more stress tolerant due to hybrid vigour. Titan Hybrid vigour shows from seedling to finish in the garden. Better branched and more floriferous than open pollinated variety. Titan is perfect for landscapes and containers of all types.

Sold 14 items

245 THB ฿245

(Options available)



Imagination : Delicate, profusely branching stems. Small deep violet blue flowers. Chemical free primed for eco-friendly production.

Sold 15 items

170 THB ฿170




Salvatore : With the tallest spikes and the deepest blue colour, Salvatore Blue is an excellent alternative to vegetative Salvia. Plus, it offers a critical daylength of 10 hours for finishing in early Spring, which previously was only possible with vegetative varieties.

Sold 10 items

180 THB ฿180
Out of stock




New Dimension : The deepest blue and rose Salvia from seed! Economical and easy to produce. Large, compact and well-branched plants feature strong-coloured flowers that last in the landscape. Well-matched series finishes fast with no PGRs needed. Fits into annual production schedules.

Sold 19 items

130 THB ฿130

(Options available)



Hummingbird : Hummingbird is a Salvia coccinea, well known varieties and long blooming time. Plants are well branched with numerous flower spikes.

Sold 15 items

79 THB ฿79

(Options available)



Summer Jewel : Summer Jewel is easy to grow and a great addition to annual flower beds or containers. An early-blooming variety producing branching plants with lots of flower stems and plenty of flowers over a long period.

Sold 2 items

89 THB ฿89

(Options available)



Amarillo : Symbol of the Summer. Alluring huge flowers on short stems. Similar look to Prairie Sun but more compact. Very well suited for pots, beddings and summer bouquets.

Sold 1 items

375 THB ฿375
Out of stock




Denver Daisy : Denver Daisy large single flowers with bronze ray in the center petal.

Sold 12 items

215 THB ฿215




Mambo : Mambo Petunia series is the multiflora counterpart to the Grandiflora Limbo series because they are genetically dwarf. This characteristic allows them to be produced without growth regulators, resulting in an earlier bloom time and larger flowers than typical multiflora types. The genetically dwarf habit becomes even more evident in gardens. Good weather resistance and an outstanding outdoor performance.

Sold 48 items

95 THB ฿95

(Options available)



Tritunia Star : The Tritunia Grandiflora Petunia “ Star ” Series. The complete color range of star pattern series on the market. Tritunia provide the uniformity habit and flowering time. Day-length neutral plants flower consistently and are well-suited in the production.

Sold 42 items

60 THB ฿60
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Dreams Picotee : Grandiflora petunia with white picotee edge.

Sold 30 items

55 THB ฿55

(Options available)



Dreams Morn : Grandiflora petunia, brilliant color and with morn centers and yellow throats.

Sold 41 items

55 THB ฿55




Dreams : Grandiflora petunia with brilliant color. Perfect plant habit and well branching.

Sold 58 items

55 THB ฿55
Out of stock

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Freefall XL : Pansy Freefall® XL has the same great habit as the original Freefall series but has the added benefit of much larger flowers. XL is easy for growers thanks to its non-trailing habit and 10-14 day earlier flowering in Spring than comparable varieties. Perfect for hanging baskets, containers or even ground cover, Freefall® XL will flower prolifically all over the plant.

Sold 0 items

450 THB ฿450

(Options available)



Riviera : Early flowering series, vigorous ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded. Riviera is an impressive garden performer, displaying large blooms on compact plants. Lobelia has a dense habit so it is good for containers or mixed containers.

Sold 3 items

75 THB ฿75
Out of stock




Vanilla : Fully double flower have tight centers that shed water and avoid turning brown longer. Vanilla double creamy white bloom on top of darker green foliage. Well-suited to beds, borders and mixed containers.

Sold 8 items

330 THB ฿330
Out of stock




Safari : The extra-large blooms on compact plants. Very uniform and continuously blooming

Sold 3 items

380 THB ฿380

(Options available)



Dancing Sun : Newest addition to pot helianthus. Pollen free with well-branching habit. Suitable for pot and landscaping use. Flowers approximately 1 month

Sold 4 items

180 THB ฿180
Out of stock




Sunbuzz : Sunbuzz Pot Sunflower SunBuzz keeps pumping out more blooms, big show of secondary flowers.

Sold 22 items

350 THB ฿350



HLS201 Big Smile

Big Smile : Big Smile is the dwarf variety. It has early blooming, the blooms have golden petals and a brownish central eye. Big Smile is also“day length neutral” so it can be grown to bloom year round.

Sold 625 items

85 THB ฿85




Reach Out : F1 Ivy leaf Geranium from seeds. "Reach Out" is bred for less tangle but still have trailing habits. Add more choice to balcony decoration in a large pot, mix container and hanging basket. Long-lasting plant.

Sold 2 items

600 THB ฿600

(Options available)



Maverick : Excellent garden performances, free flowering. Vigorous plant fills beds quickly. Large flower head with great vibrant color range. High quality seeds.

Sold 5 items

550 THB ฿550

(Options available)



Camelot : First-year flowering Digitalis. Camelot is F1 hybrid providing high germination, uniform growth and flowering. Secondary spikes provide numerous high quality stem for specialty cut flower program. Best grown in large container, landscape and cut flower.

Sold 19 items

280 THB ฿280




Diana : Diana combines earliness and a compact plant habit with large single flowers in a wide range of colors. Diana is suited for pot production and planted out in the garden. It continues to form masses of large blooms on a low growing plant.

Sold 38 items

220 THB ฿220

(Options available)



Coronet : The biggest bloom and a palette of showstopping colour choices. Coronet adds a regal touch to landscapes, gardens and patio planters. Coronet loves mild climate.

Sold 20 items

180 THB ฿180

(Options available)



Diabunda : Great Dianthus Barbatus with uniform flowering and a compact habit. Flower time is matching well across the series. Diabunda is quick to bloom and easy to grow than traditional Barbatus type. Well-branched plant makes Diabunda looks healthy at the display and in the garden.

Sold 0 items

280 THB ฿280

(Options available)



Rockin : Rockin’ the garden! Lacy, lightly scented flowers top full and long-lasting plants – this interspecific variety delivers vivid color and durable garden performance. The best color intensity occurs in high light and cool temperatures. Suitable for outdoor production, as flower fields or “wild-look” cut flowers.

Sold 0 items

460 THB ฿460

(Options available)



Pink Shimmer : Pink Shimmer can be easily sown for efficient plug production. Offers improved natural branching over other varieties. A profusion of petite flowers cover the delicate leaves all summer long Great for using in combinations of all kinds.This reblooming gem requires no deadheading and looks great even under hot conditions.

Sold 1 items

300 THB ฿300




Collarette Psyche : A semi-double flowers with a ring of petals forming a collarette in the centre. The foliage is finely cut and the plant will bloom profusely. Easily grown from seed. Ideal massed in beds and borders, providing plenty of color in the garden and for vases full of cuts.

Sold 8 items

200 THB ฿200
Out of stock




Queen : The deep rose buds opening to lighter pink blossoms give an airy appearance due to the stamens and pistil, which protrude several inches, as well as by the whiskery look of the developing seed pods. Massed by a split rail fence, they have a charming, old-fashioned look.

Sold 0 items

140 THB ฿140
Out of stock

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Viking : The conquering garden performer. Discover high impact color with this all-weather begonia! Massive color ideal for landscapes and containers. Large plants are loaded with flowers. Available in green, bronze and deep chocolate leaf colors – no other series in this class offers chocolate.

Sold 0 items

530 THB ฿530

(Options available)



Super Olympia : The Super Olympias bring excellent pack and outdoor performance, greater uniformity across the series, larger flowers and brighter colors, all without sacrificing great landscape performance.

Sold 19 items

55 THB ฿55

(Options available)



Vintage : Dwarf series blooms up to 1 week faster, with better branching than comparable varieties. Non-selectable Vintage produces over 55% double flowers. Sturdy, well-branched plants are excellent oudoor performers. Prefers cool growing conditions; no vernalisation needed.

Sold 7 items

69 THB ฿69




ทานตะวันตัดดอกสีแปลก Attractive in flower color and shape. Large flower size with longer lasting blooming.

Sold 0 items

220 THB ฿220

(Options available)



Kagayaki : A late flowering series with excellent spike form and hard stem. Suitable for premium cut flowers in early spring. Chilling period required to flower, so not recommended for late spring and summer operations.

Sold 2 items

69 THB ฿69
Out of stock

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Delphinium Morpho เดลฟิเนียม มอร์โฟ เดลฟิเนียมแบบสเปรย์ ปลูกง่ายกว่าพันธุ์ที่มีช่อเดียว สีโทนน้ำเงิน ชมพู ม่วง มอร์โฟสามารถใช้แซมช่อดอกไม้ หรือจัดเป็นดอกหลักได้สวยงาม

Sold 0 items

590 THB ฿590

(Options available)



Fireball, Strawberry Blonde : Meet the “New World marigolds” – Fireball and companion Strawberry Blonde introduce germplasm never seen before in African or French marigolds that puts multicolour blooms on the same plant. Completely new look for premium packs, pots and decorative containers. In early Spring growing conditions, flowers age and change colour more slowly for maximum contrast. In warmer conditions, colour changes faster with less distinct contrast.

Sold 19 items

55 THB ฿55
Out of stock




Flamenco : With its yellow center and red-tipped petals, this novelty colour will look great in patio containers and gardens alike. This standalone variety in the French Marigold assortment calls out its unique pattern, similar to Fireball and Strawberry Blonde.

Sold 2 items

55 THB ฿55
Out of stock




Fireball, Strawberry Blonde : Meet the “New World marigolds” – Fireball and companion Strawberry Blonde introduce germplasm never seen before in African or French marigolds that puts multicolour blooms on the same plant. Completely new look for premium packs, pots and decorative containers. In early Spring growing conditions, flowers age and change colour more slowly for maximum contrast. In warmer conditions, colour changes faster with less distinct contrast.

Sold 20 items

55 THB ฿55
Out of stock




Super Hero : Most uniform series in packs and pots. Earlier to flower. Compact plant habit. Clean, stable flower pattern. Looks gorgeous in mixed containers or as stand alone

Sold 8 items

48 THB ฿48

(Options available)



Endurance : Next generation in triploid breeding - F1 African x French marigold brings the absolute best of both worlds! Extra large double flower on a compact plant habit. Heat tolerance and sterility combine for unsurpassed garden performance, providing masses of blooms all-season long.

Sold 9 items

150 THB ฿150

(Options available)



Marvel ll : Marvel II is a choice for pot and landscapers. Offer improvement in branching, earliness, flower size and a brighter flower color. Well uniformity under short and long days condition. Available in 3 color: Yellow, Gold, Orange, and mix.

Sold 3 items

150 THB ฿150

(Options available)



Whirlybird : Whirlybird is perfect for patio containers, window boxes, or to soften garden edges and corners with vibrant, free-blooming flowers and softly mounding lily-pad shaped leaves. As a wonderful bonus, both the bright flowers and leaves are deliciously edible with a spicy watercress flavor.

Sold 39 items

40 THB ฿40
Out of stock




Alaska Mix : These charming variegated nasturtiums have lovely lily pad leaves whose cream and green striped markings make a wonderful color accent in the garden. The highly ornamental foliage is covered with pert, spurred flowers in bright gold, cheery orange, rich mahogany and salmon. Softly mounding, compact Alaska is an especially striking edging for flower beds or borders to contrast with green leaved plants. An attractive choice for showy patio containers, hanging baskets and window boxes.

Sold 44 items

40 THB ฿40
Out of stock




Tiny Sun : Brand new pot plant and landscape Marigold from AGA Agro. Tiny Sun has small plant but powerful bloom with high flower quality as SunNova

Sold 22 items

120 THB ฿120

(Options available)



Pretty Please : A unique bicolour from seed, Pretty Please brings the performance of vegetative varieties with the added bonus of it being prone to less disease issues. Naturally well branched and dwarf in habit, requiring less PGRs. A very floriferous cool crop, available in high emergence pellets.

Sold 0 items

220 THB ฿220

(Options available)



SunNova : SunNova as its name “Nova-New” it is our new breeding, new concept of multipurpose usage. SunNova can be grown for Cut flower, Landscape and Jumbo size pot plant.

Sold 18 items

120 THB ฿120

(Options available)



Butterfly : Hybrid vigour provides better stress tolerance than open-pollinated varieties. Gives pro landscapers and gardeners alike a mid-size, full-sun series that flourishes in high heat/humidity and tolerates Summer rains well while still showing colour.

Sold 1 items

400 THB ฿400

(Options available)



Starship : Earlier flowering; improved branching; low stretch; uniform, controlled habit; and huge flower power assure a better-quality finished plant than the competition.

Sold 3 items

330 THB ฿330

(Options available)



Blue Steel : Sturdy, controlled habit in the landscape. Combines the best Summer-blooming lavender-blue colour with outstanding late-season garden performance. Aromatic, silvery foliage carries clouds of small blue flowers on strong silver stems that do not break or split easily. Pinch for optimal branching. Heat/drought tolerant, very hardy.

Sold 6 items

340 THB ฿340




White Lion : White Lion has a critical daylength of only 10 hours. Offer better uniformity in height and habit over their seed counterparts, plus they provide an excellent alternative to vegetative Leucanthemum with no vernalisation needed and no risk for bacterial infection.

Sold 4 items

260 THB ฿260
Out of stock




Spanish Eyes : Fast-growing tender perennial/annual variety flowers all Summer, right up until frost. Soft-textured and finely cut fernleaf foliage is topped by branched, beautiful in bud and stunning when blooms open. Free-flowering in pot and garden.

Sold 97 items

150 THB ฿150
Out of stock




FotoFinish : Extremely uniform spreading Petunia series with perfectly matched plant habits and flower timing. Extra early flowering and reduced day length sensitivity provide programmable flowering in 9–10 weeks from sowing. Mounded and branching habit is ideal for high-density growing, holds better at retail and provides faster garden fill due to the need for fewer PGRs in production.

Sold 5 items

650 THB ฿650

(Options available)



Lavance Deep Purple : Produces the deepest purple-blue Summer colour with no bleaching, strong branching. Best for Summer production, longer days and higher temperatures. Highly scented.

Sold 34 items

150 THB ฿150




Avignon Early Blue : Grow early, grow easy, grow beautiful! This tight, well-branched and strong-stemmed plant shows deeper blue blooms earlier than similar English Lavenders. Grown as annual in the early cool season. Critical daylength is only 10 hours and growing well in cool conditions

Sold 16 items

150 THB ฿150
Out of stock




Athena : Blooms fit for a goddess. The only F1 semi-double Impatiens on the market today. Consistent, semi-double blooms layered over a gracefully spreading habit make beautiful hanging baskets. Available in a full range of delightful colors.

Sold 9 items

380 THB ฿380

(Options available)



E3 : It’s Early, it’s Efficient, it’s the Evolution of Easy Wave®…it’s E3! Flowers at or under 10 hours daylength. All E3 Easy Wave varieties have a similar, uniform plant structure and vigour, which means simplified plant management. Mounding, spreading habit offers a three-dimensional landscape effect, creating impressive baskets and planters.

Sold 0 items

620 THB ฿620

(Options available)



Fenice : Excellent weather multiflora for landscape. Plants hold up well in inclement weather. Flowers recover quickly after rain. Maintain less stretching and compact plant habit throught out the rainy season.

Sold 12 items

45 THB ฿45
Out of stock

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Beacon : New genetics with high resistance to Plasmopara obducens, which causes highly destructive Impatiens Downy Mildew (IDM). High disease resistance offers savings on preventative pesticides for an overall healthier garden and production process. Similar plant structure, flowering time, flower size and crop culture to Super Elfin. Fast-filling, season-long color for gardens and landscapes in partial sun and shade.

Sold 32 items

120 THB ฿120

(Options available)



Swiss Giants : One of the best flowers for dried arrangements. This classic Swiss Giants mix has extra large double petalled flowers in bright colours of Rose, Copper Red, Purple Red, Golden Yellow or Lemon Yellow. A colourful border plant. Cut stems when the blooms are half open and hang upside down in bunches until dry.

Sold 68 items

22 THB ฿22




Avanti : Avanti F1 hybrid gloxinia is the earliest single-flowering series on the market. Avanti is bred for high-density production and successful shipping with its flowers held just above the foliage of small supple leaves on short strong stems.

Sold 2 items

180 THB ฿180

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Multibells : Gloxinia Multibells has exceptional uniformity with an extraordinary number of flowers – up to 40 per plant. This series is 10-14 days earlier flowering than other Sinningia and can be produced at a higher density for increased profitability.

Sold 2 items

180 THB ฿180

(Options available)



Cartwheel : Beautiful shades at every turn. Large, semi-double blooms come in distinctive designer hues. Multi-blooming, vigorous plants are ideal for larger premium pot programs. Superior shelf life compared to the competition, with reduced leaf stretch and yellowing, and longer flower life. Seed-produced plants offer a cost-effective and efficient alternative to tissue culture liners.

Sold 11 items

260 THB ฿260

(Options available)



Landscaper : Landscaper Red is the best option available for landscaping. Very dominate in large flower heads and vigorous plants which is visual appeal. The size and ground covering ability of Landscaper Red makes it the number one choice for landscapers. Huge flowers. Vigorous plants and dazzling display

Sold 5 items

550 THB ฿550




Eagle : Eagle is the Earliest! An extra-early flowering, large- flowered Petunia with a uniform flowering window and a tidy, compact habit.

Sold 6 items

45 THB ฿45
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Princess : Princess is a bit bigger bush and higher vigorous than Royal Dane.

Sold 0 items

370 THB ฿370
Out of stock

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Royal Dane : Royal Dane is low cost and fast production. Perfect crop for Summer production. Long-lasting flowers have a sweet fragrance. Extremely good shelf life.

Sold 1 items

370 THB ฿370
Out of stock

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Glitz : Easy-to-grow seed variety with compact habit perfect for premium mixed containers or larger containers. Free-flowering and multi-branching, no pinch needed.

Sold 5 items

275 THB ฿275
Out of stock




Ritro : Blue balloon-Spiky blooms are produced on mid-height plants summer thru autumn stay as perennial. Good for a component in garden besides typically planted on cut flower bed.

Sold 14 items

220 THB ฿220




Dreamscape : Specially bred and selected to deliver the best outdoor performance of any cyclamen. Pro landscapers and home gardeners alike can now confidently plant cyclamen in-ground and count on better, longer performance.Sow all colours at the same time to ship and sell together.

Sold 0 items

1,200 THB ฿1,200
Out of stock

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Atlantis : Strike it rich with this stunning 'Poor Man's Orchid'. Premium pot plant in a mix of striking solid and bicolor flowers. Reduced day length sensitivity makes Atlantis easy to program for early spring holiday sales, prior to the main bedding season. Compact, branching plants require fewer PGRs. Economical to grow with low temperature requirements.

Sold 1 items

450 THB ฿450
Out of stock

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Susie : Distinctive flowering vine offers 3 clear with “black-eyed” choices, plus a formula mix. Excellent in hanging baskets or window boxes. Good for colour packet and mail order markets.

Sold 8 items

300 THB ฿300

(Options available)



State Fair : Tall plants bear very large flowers in bright scarlet, gold, lavender, purple, orange, pink, red and yellow. Good cut flower, for tall garden backgrounds/borders. A tetraploid mix with higher resistance to powdery mildew and Alternaria.

Sold 10 items

100 THB ฿100
Out of stock




The Flowers are brightest yellow with large blotch available. Larger, deep red blotch and larger flowers

Sold 17 items

90 THB ฿90

(Options available)



ดาวกระจายต้นสูง ไบรท์ ไลท์ มิกซ์ สีสันสดใส โทนเหลืองทอง ทรงพุ่มใหญ่และแข็งแรง ทนต่อสภาพความร้อน นิยมปลูกเป็นทุ่งดอกไม้

Sold 11 items

140 THB ฿140
Out of stock




Prestige : Prestige Scarlet produces cockscomb-like flower heads of striking scarlet complementing the dark bronze-green foliage. This variety grows vigorously under hot, humid conditions. A good cut flower for home gardens, Prestige Scarlet produces large, vivid flower heads which form at every nodes, covering the plant from top to bottom.

Sold 2 items

350 THB ฿350




Cannova : The Canna CANNOVA series, with its outstanding garden performance and profuse flowering until the first frost, adds a tropical touch to any outdoor space, whether it’s a cool or warm Summer. Dynamic, strong, long-lasting and great branching; Canna CANNOVA is an excellent performer. Canna CANNOVA is suitable for open soil, balcony- and patio pots and mixed containers.

Sold 7 items

700 THB ฿700

(Options available)



ดาวเรืองมังกร เป็นดาวเรือง สายพันธุ์ตัดดอกที่ปรับปรุงให้ดอกดก กลม แน่น สีตรงตามความต้องการของตลาด ต้นสูงพอเหมาะ ช่วงวันสั้นหรือหน้าหนาว ต้นไม่เตี้ยเกินไป และช่วงวันยาว อากาศร้อนหรือหน้าฝน ต้นจะไม่สูงเกินไป มังกรจึงสามารถตัดดอกได้ตลอดปี

Sold 2 items

120 THB ฿120

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Sukhothai Yellow สุโขทัย สีเหลือง (MAR241) ดาวเรืองตัดดอกที่สามารถปลูกได้ทุกฤดูกาล ลักษณะดอกกลมสวย กลีบดอกเรียงชิดแน่นมาก ดอกดก สีเหลืองนวล ต้นสูงพอเหมาะ เป็นที่นิยมในแถบภาคเหนือตอนล่าง สีเหลืองนวลเป็นเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัวทำให้แตกต่างจากสายพันธุ์อื่น จึงนิยมเรียกว่า “ เหลืองสุโขทัย ”

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