


Dancing Sun : Newest addition to pot helianthus. Pollen free with well-branching habit. Suitable for pot and landscaping use. Flowers approximately 1 month

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180 THB ฿180
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Sunbuzz : Sunbuzz Pot Sunflower SunBuzz keeps pumping out more blooms, big show of secondary flowers.

Sold 22 items

350 THB ฿350



HLS201 Big Smile

Big Smile : Big Smile is the dwarf variety. It has early blooming, the blooms have golden petals and a brownish central eye. Big Smile is also“day length neutral” so it can be grown to bloom year round.

Sold 625 items

85 THB ฿85




ทานตะวันตัดดอกสีแปลก Attractive in flower color and shape. Large flower size with longer lasting blooming.

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220 THB ฿220

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Sunfinity : Sunfinity is a free-branching and blooming sunflower that is truly unique from any other annual sunflower on the market. Due to this habit, Sunfinity benefits from the application of plant growth regulators (PGRs) during finish. This PGR Guide was designed to help growers make the best choice about when and what PGRs to apply to their crops.

Sold 10 items

350 THB ฿350

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Miss Sunshine : Dwarf Sunflower rich golden yellow with pollen-free flower. Miss Sunshine has 6-7 cm. blooms with a fast flush of secondary flowers. It blooms face up and produce long-lasting color for the consumer. Miss Sunshine is perfect for containers and mixed pots.

Sold 46 items

270 THB ฿270
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Sunsation : The Sunsation series consists of a number of large flowered, pollen free F1 hybrids with black center. The flowers do not produce any pollen resulting clean disc providing long shelf life. Sunsation develops robust plant with a compact habit. Easy to grow, quick crop and quick turnover.

Sold 5 items

500 THB ฿500

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Vincent : Vincent’s® sunflowers are bred to be less sensitive to day length for greater flexibility in programming. Although there is better height under short days, Vincent’s sunflowers do not get too tall under long days. They have strong seedling and plant vigor and produce pollenless flower heads that face upward on strong stems and necks.

Sold 273 items

160 THB ฿160

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