Mambo : Mambo Petunia series is the multiflora counterpart to the Grandiflora Limbo series because they are genetically dwarf. This characteristic allows them to be produced without growth regulators, resulting in an earlier bloom time and larger flowers than typical multiflora types. The genetically dwarf habit becomes even more evident in gardens. Good weather resistance and an outstanding outdoor performance.
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Tritunia Star : The Tritunia Grandiflora Petunia “ Star ” Series. The complete color range of star pattern series on the market. Tritunia provide the uniformity habit and flowering time. Day-length neutral plants flower consistently and are well-suited in the production.
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Dreams Picotee : Grandiflora petunia with white picotee edge.
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Dreams Morn : Grandiflora petunia, brilliant color and with morn centers and yellow throats.
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Dreams : Grandiflora petunia with brilliant color. Perfect plant habit and well branching.
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FotoFinish : Extremely uniform spreading Petunia series with perfectly matched plant habits and flower timing. Extra early flowering and reduced day length sensitivity provide programmable flowering in 9–10 weeks from sowing. Mounded and branching habit is ideal for high-density growing, holds better at retail and provides faster garden fill due to the need for fewer PGRs in production.
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E3 : It’s Early, it’s Efficient, it’s the Evolution of Easy Wave®…it’s E3! Flowers at or under 10 hours daylength. All E3 Easy Wave varieties have a similar, uniform plant structure and vigour, which means simplified plant management. Mounding, spreading habit offers a three-dimensional landscape effect, creating impressive baskets and planters.
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Fenice : Excellent weather multiflora for landscape. Plants hold up well in inclement weather. Flowers recover quickly after rain. Maintain less stretching and compact plant habit throught out the rainy season.
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Eagle : Eagle is the Earliest! An extra-early flowering, large- flowered Petunia with a uniform flowering window and a tidy, compact habit.
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Daddy : The best-selling veined grandifloras and the series of veined varieties. The Daddy series features good earlines and dependable, high pot and bed habit.
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Mirage : Mirage petunias combine multiflora flowers show to make impressive display in pots, beds and mass plantings. Prolific flowering in the garden, board color range was selected for performances across a wide range of growing conditions.
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Lo Rider โลว์ ไรเดอร์ พิทูเนียดอกขนาดกลางที่ทรงต้นกระทัดรัด ต้นจะไม่ยืด แม้จะเจอสภาพอากาศร้อนหรือแสงน้อย เหมาะสำหรับอากาศร้อนชื้นแบบประเทศไทย
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Sophistica : Sophistica is named for sophisticated uniquely colored petunias, mounded and upright habit that is ideal for pot and large container.
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Debonair : Debonair Collection Series offers unique colors. Multiflora blooms are displayed on the well-branched, mounded and upright plants. Debonair are well-matched for timing for easier scheduling.
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Duo : Double flower Petunia. Duo is compact, floriferous flowers produces masses of flowers on well-branched plants. Superb for using in large mixed containers, baskets and beds. Excellent seed quality, germination and young plant performance.
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Wave : Wave has set the highest standard for Petunia landscape performance. Spreading habit for landscapes, gardens, baskets and large containers. Masses of flowers form along the entire length of each branch and free blooming.
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Shock Wave : Shock Wave has superior strong branched and trailing habit. With small flowers but powerful blooming, giving great choice to grow in various climates condition especially in tropical and subtropical zone. Best grown for hanging baskets, mixed containers and landscape. Mounded, spreading plants habits are similar in shape with Easy Wave and easy to manage the crops.
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Opera Supreme : Opera Supreme has a very floriferous habit, less day length sensitivity. The spreading habit is the key criteria to characteristics preferred for Trailing Petunias. Flowers are profusion from the centers to the tip on the spreading plants putting on a tremendous show in the display and garden.
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Prism : Prism is early flowering with massive bloom size. Plant compactness and uniform finishing across an outstanding color range. Prism is one of the best choice of Grandiflora Petunia to choose for your program.
Sold 33 items
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Easy Wave : Easy Wave is the most versatile of all large flowered spreading Petunia. More mounded with more controlled spread. Easy Waves are very long blooming, producing an abundance flowers. Well performance in beds, containers or hanging baskets. Great range of color choices in spreading Petunia.
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